How to do more & Procrastinate Less

productivity Oct 11, 2023
How to do more & Procrastinate Less

It's no secret that procrastination sucks. You know what you have to do, you just don't have the strength to do it. Then your important work gets pushed back, causing you stress over the deadline, which then builds the pressure to get it done causing a rash but necessary decision like finishing it all in one day. From my experience reforming from being a serial procrastinator, I've found out how to do more & procrastinate less in a few simple ways.

It's nowhere near as difficult as you may think it is. In fact, these methods make it a lot easier to do both things; do more & procrastinate less.

These methods are things you can implement as early as today so you can start getting more work done. Or, if you're like me, you can ease into them to make them solid habits.

Once you get these down, you'll be doing so much more with so much less. Here's how to do more & procrastinate less.

Do more with smaller steps

By this point in life, you've probably seen some sort of display of centrifugal force. Whether it be a roller coaster or something spinning really fast, these displays are an amazing way to picture doing more. An object currently under the effect of centrifugal force didn't start there. In a similar way, neither did you.

To do more, you must understand one key factor: momentum. If you can't stick to doing something for long, it's because you lack momentum.

An object being acted upon by centrifugal force had to build enough momentum for the force to act upon it. Once it starts going fast enough, the force takes over.

We humans are very similar when it comes to productivity. In order to do more, you need to properly build up "momentum" so the "force" can take over.

Too often, we try to take on too much at once. We've been conditioned from a young age to be perfect from the get-go by things like tests and exams.

This conditioning pushes us to learn as much as possible as fast as possible so we can reach the top as soon as possible. The reality is that this isn't the best way to do more.

The faster we go, the more of the scenery we miss. When we can't take in the scenery, we miss too many things along the way.

Understand that doing more isn't about getting more done in less time, but rather getting enough done to make a strong foundation so we don't need to backtrack.

By switching your focus in this way, you will end up spending more time in the beginning but less and less time as you go forward. The strong foundation you build will carry you once you've built it.

Doing more is not about doing more in less time, but rather setting yourself up so that you end up spending less time on tasks in the future.

Procrastinate less by setting meaningful goals

Did you know that when you don't know where you're going, you don't reach your destination as fast? It sounds obvious, but people fall prey to this every day. So many people wonder why they can't reach their destination when they don't even know where their destination is or what destination they want to arrive at.

As much as you need to appreciate the scenery while on a journey, it's still important to know your destination. Without a clear destination and a path to get there, you will get lost.

We've already covered how to create the path to get to your destination, now you just need to decide on a destination.

To really crack down on a clear destination, you need to know what your goals are. And by your goals, I mean goals you want for yourself and not goals others want for you.

A goal is not meaningful if it isn't a goal you want for yourself first and foremost. For this, you'll have to go back and analyze the goals you've set for yourself and compare them to what you really want for yourself.

Once you've weeded out the goals that don't line up with who you are, you can start adding goals that are in alignment with what you want. 

Understand that having goals that don't align with what you want will slow you down tremendously. These goals have no real fuel behind them, so they won't go far in their journey.

The goals of yours that will go far are the ones that you actually want to do. To determine if you actually want to do a goal, you can ask yourself two simple questions.

1. Does this have an immediate benefit that I want?
2. If not, will the eventual benefit be something that I want?

If you said yes to at least one of these questions when determining your goals, then you've got yourself a pretty damn solid goal. At that point, it's simply a matter of generating enough momentum to get yourself going.

The reason we procrastinate is that we don't give ourselves a strong enough vision or goal to chase after. When you give yourself a strong goal to pursue, it then becomes a matter of consistency of whether or not you'll succeed.

Less is more

A lot of the things that lead to people becoming more productive in the modern day have to do with doing less in some regard. This is intentional, as doing less junk tasks means you have more energy for meaningful tasks.

The more meaningful you can make your tasks and goals, the more you'll get done. It does require practice, but it's more of a time sink than an effort sink.

As men, it is vital that we learn how to become productive. The more we get done, the more we move forward with our lives, and the more we move forward, the more meaningful we can make our lives.

- Karl