$37.50 CAD

4 monthly payments

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16 Week Masculine Foundations Bootcamp

Karl's 16-week process for building your masculine foundation so you can become the man you're meant to be

What you'll get:

  • Phase 1 (Weeks 1 - 6): Learn about each pillar of the masculine foundation before diving into the first pillar, mental health
  • Phase 2 (Weeks 7 - 11): Diving into the second pillar, physical health, so you're equipped with the tools necessary to build your dream physique
  • Phase 3 (Weeks 12 - 16): Diving into the pillar of social skills so you're able to better navigate relationships and interactions with others
  • 24/7 personal phone number & email support access
  • Weekly 1-on-1 private video calls to go over your game plan & weekly lessons.
  • Weekly assignments designed to cement the weekly lessons & make them second nature 
  • Weekly Challenge Assignments to speed up your results & really cement the weekly lessons.


  • Scheduling & Goal setting guide so you can accomplish more in less time
  • A list of core habits that help to maintain and nurture your masculinity for years to come
  • Productivity pitfalls, which explains how to drop bad habits while picking up good ones
  • Roadblock'd no more, a guide to conquering and eliminating mental roadblocks