How to not be emotionally colorblind

mental health Jun 14, 2023
How to not be emotionally colorblind

To say that many men these days are emotionally colorblind is not inaccurate. The truth is that many men have the built-in technology to detect emotions, they just don't use it. They have been conditioned from a young age to rely more on words than intuition, leading to this emotional colorblindness. Because this is no way to live, today I'll be going over how to not be emotionally colorblind.

Men are raised as little boys to not only suck up their own emotions but to be men of their word. While not bad things, the lack of balance in regard to these leaves men cold.

When men are cold like this, understanding becomes close to impossible. And as I've preached before, understanding is the key to easy progress.

Luckily, obtaining strong emotional intuition isn't hard. Here are three big tips on how to not be emotionally colorblind.

1. Stop caring about yourself too much

The old saying that it isn't about you is pretty true. Almost nobody cares about you because they're busy worrying about themselves. Therefore, approaching problems involving other people with only your best interests in mind will get you nowhere. The first step to becoming less emotionally colorblind is to stop caring about yourself so damn much.

This isn't to say you shouldn't care about yourself. This is to say you shouldn't care about only yourself.

The more you care about only yourself, the deeper your narcissism will get. Even though the vast majority of people are not narcissists, we all still have a level of narcissism in us.

Narcissism exists on a spectrum. The more you turn inward towards yourself, the deeper it gets and the harder it becomes for you to relate to others.

Those with emotional colorblindness are those who are unable to relate to the perspective of others. They cannot see the situation from the other's point of view.

In order to develop strong emotional intuition, you need to be able to fully understand their perspective. To understand someone else's perspective, you need to stop caring about yourself too much.

2. Empathy, empathy, empathy

Yes, empathy is important. No, empathy isn't hard to develop. It requires effort, but it's an effort worth investing in. Empathy is the key to understanding others. Without it, you'll be stuck in making progress toward developing strong intuition.

Empathy is being able to understand the emotions that someone is going through in a specific situation. This goes beyond knowing the struggle they're going through.

It's one thing to know what specific events they're going through, it's another to understand how it affects them emotionally. Those with empathy understand emotions first and foremost.

The reason why empathy is important is simple. Everybody is guided by emotions, even men. The difference is that men justify their decisions with logic, while women justify their decisions with emotions.

If everybody makes decisions with their emotions, then empathy is like a modern-day superpower. 

To develop empathy, you need two things.

Firstly, you need to be able to put yourself in their position. Empathy is what will allow you to see things from their perspective, which will allow you to steer the situation much more effectively.

When you can see things from their perspective, you can understand their perspective. Once this happens, things become simple.

Second, develop the skill of guiding others to solutions. Rather than dragging them along to the solution, it would benefit them more if you guide them along.

From an outside perspective, you have a more clear outlook on the situation. This puts you in a prime position to help them find the solution to their problem.

3. See things as they are

There are plenty of quotes from ancient philosophers that all say the same message: be kind to others. Sometimes, all it takes is a little kindness to make things better. Emphasis on sometimes. Sure, be kind to others, but there are times when it isn't appropriate. Kindness won't diffuse every tense moment or get you every nice thing you want. Rather than live in a fairy tale, see things as they are.

The reason why so many people have emotional colorblindness is because the lens through which they view the world is too inaccurate. 

Often, these people lean towards extremes. A very easy example of this is those who seem a little too zealous about their religion.

Those who cannot see things for what they are are the same people who will justify contradictory actions because it aligns with their beliefs.

When people are detached from reality like this, they become unable to connect with and relate to those who are connected to reality. These detached people end up only connecting with others like them, resulting in their social circles becoming echo chambers.

To see things as they are requires you to be brutally honest with yourself. To be capable of admitting to yourself that you may not be as amazing as you want yourself to be, or to admit that you did indeed make a monumental mistake.

Rather than letting yourself stay in the fantasy developed by your ego, you must be able to see the world in all its ugly truth. This is not easy, and many don't have the balls to do this.

However, once you can do this, then you will be able to see the beauty behind all the chaos. This realistic point of view will allow you to see yourself in a harsher light.

This harsher light will expose what you need to improve, ultimately leading you to become more emotionally mature. And emotional maturity is a key factor in not being emotionally colorblind.

He who understands has the world in his palm

In an age where people are more self-absorbed than ever, being able to understand not only your own emotions but the emotions of others will give you a distinct advantage.

We are emotional creatures before anything else, and knowing how to influence people on this level will give you grand influence.

As a man, having this kind of power makes emotional stability extremely easy. So get out there and develop that empathy!

- Karl